studies have proven that women do not
perspire as much as men, and hence their
bodies do not cool as fast as men. This
means the woman diver will be feeling
too hot while suiting up, and too warm
upon entering the water. However they
lose heat faster during the dive, and
feel much colder towards the end of the
dive. The suit they wear, therefore, should
provide sufficient warmth and protection
without compromising flexibility and comfort.
One recommendation is to purchase the
various components of a wetsuit separately,
eg. a dive skin, jacket farmer john, hood
etc. In this way, you can combine the
components according to the dive plan,
the environment and your specific needs.
The selection of wetsuit also holds particular
importance for women aesthetically. Like
clothing, a suits colour, cut and design
matters much in the selection process.
As such, our service has our own range
of suits for the active female, ranging
dive skin to 7mm.wetsuit. |